Shimano Exage + Mono 300m
Exage + is an extremely strong Japanese monofilament line, featuring high knot strength and low memory. It is available in 6,8,10,15, 20, 30 and 40 pound breaking strains on 300 metre spools.
Made in Japan
Exage + is an extremely strong Japanese monofilament line, featuring high knot strength and low memory. It is available in 6,8,10,15, 20, 30 and 40 pound breaking strains on 300 metre spools.
Made in Japan
I get all of my fishing gear from Tackle Warehouse because they are one of the only online tackle stores that provide real expert advice on all of the latest products. They really have their finger on the pulse.
Tackle Warehouse because they are one of the only online tackle stores that provide real expert advice on all of the latest products. They really have their finger on the pulse.